Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU

The Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Genoa is offering a post-doc position within the 2-years research project PRIN PNRR 2022 “A digital framework for the cutting of soft tissues: A first step towards virtual surgery” focused on multiscale modeling of the cutting process in soft tissues.
The ideal candidate should have documented scientific experience in computational mechanics, mechanics of materials, and related fields.
The main objective of the project is to develop a constitutive framework in such a way as to combine classical material models for soft tissues with the inherent capabilities of peridynamics to model (possibly evolving) discontinuities.

Application Deadline: [29.3.2024]
LINK (see program 29):

Funding: PRIN 2022 PNRR – Project P2022HLHHB – A digital framework for the cutting of soft tissues: A first step towards virtual surgery (National coordinator Vito Diana).

Research Group: Vito Diana, Andrea Bacigalupo; Luigi Gambarotta

1 research fellowship – Duration 18 months – Annual pre-tax amount: € 23.250,00 (fascia II) – net ~1700 € per month

For more details on the position and how to apply, email

E’ aperta una posizione di assegnista di ricerca, annuale rinnovabile, nell’ambito del progetto
Titolo della ricerca: Modelli meccanici nonlineari di materiali compositi, nell’ambito del progetto PNRR – Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1 “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)”, “Sustainable CompositE materials for the construction iNdusTry (SCENT)”, codice progetto P2022P3Y2T, Decreto di finanziamento MUR D.D. n. 1385 del 1 settembre 2023 (CUP E53D23017380001).

Tutor: Prof. Andrea NOBIL, email:

S.S.D.: ICAR/08 (Scienza delle costruzioni)

Sede: Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”

Codice bando Pica: 2024-adrj25

Scadenza presentazione domande: 05.03.2024, ore 13:00

Il progetto si prefigge di sviluppare modelli analitici e sperimentali di materiali compositi ad elevato contenuto di materiale riciclato, in particolar modo plastica indistinta, per le necessità del settore edilizia e costruzioni. Le attività prevedono la realizzazione di campioni, il progetto, l’esecuzione e l’analisi delle prove sperimentali, lo sviluppo di modelli predittivi al fine di ottimizzare le formulazioni. Il candidato ideale è un laureato in ingegneria dei materiali, civile o affine, con attitudine alle attività laboratoriali ed alla ricerca. Non è richiesto il dottorato.

il bando è pubblicato ai seguenti link:

Link per presentare domanda:

Gli interessati sono invitati a contattare il tutor e/o a partecipare alla selezione.

The Thematic Project “Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Engineering”, supported by FAPESP (São Paulo State Foundation for Research Support), is offering 3 post-doctoral scholarships to carry out research at the University of São Paulo (USP).

The candidates must have developed the PhD thesis in areas related to nonlinear dynamics in electrical, mechanical or structural engineering at research institutions of excellence. The selected candidates will develop research in a multidisciplinary team, working on themes related to energy harvesting, vibration localisation, systems with synchronization and flow-induced vibrations.

Prospective candidates should send their CV, a letter of motivation and a copy of
the Brazilian identity card (for Brazilians) or Passport (for foreigners) to 

Application deadline: 30/11/2023, 12:00.


We have a 4-year FPI fellowship for a Ph.D. and a Postdoctoral position in the area of mathematical and computational modeling of living matter. The candidates will be involved in the mathematical and computational modeling of structural and regulatory modules toward autonomous biological systems.

The candidates will be supervised by Marino Arroyo (UPC, CIMNE, IBEC) and Pablo Sáez (UPC) in the research program “Cell and tissue mechanobiology” of the LaCàN at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona.

Application deadline: the official deadline is Oct 31st, 2023, but you are strongly encouraged to contact or as soon as possible with a presentation paragraph, a CV, and transcripts.

Starting date: Before 1 February 2024

Located in the city of Barcelona, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) is one of the largest technical universities of the southern EU, with over 30,000 students spanning all levels from undergraduate to PhD, and employing over 2,500 faculty. Within UPC, the LaCàN research center develops new mathematical and computational models to enable quantitative and predictive science and engineering, specifically in the field of cell and tissue mechanobiology.

Marino Arroyo
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, C2-211b
Jordi Girona 1-3
Barcelona, 08034
Tel: +34 93 4011805

The University of Pisa is available to host a MSCA Post-doc Fellow on the topic “Modelling of multi-scale damage phenomena in advanced materials and structures”.

The University of Pisa will offer administrative and scientific support to candidates for writing their proposal and applying to the European Commission.

Deadline: 10 June 2022

Further information at the following website:

Reference: Paolo S. Valvo

Università di Pavia: disponibile un assegno di ricerca annuale, rinnovabile con scadenza 23 gennaio 2023
Presso l’Università di Pavia è disponibile un assegno di ricerca annuale e rinnovabile sul tema:
“Caratterizzazione e modellazione del comportamento termo-meccanico e a frattura di polimeri intelligenti” (“Characterization and modeling of the thermo-mechanical and fracture behavior of smart polymers”)
La scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature è il 23 gennaio 2023.Link al bando:

Per informazioni scrivere a

Description and objectives: Soft robots find application in numerous sectors, e.g., automotive, aerospace, wearable, pharmaceutical, medical, and renewable energy, where failure and fracture issues represent a major concern. The aim of this research project is to develop theoretical and computational models, corroborated by experimental measurements, for the calibration of failure and fracture properties of soft polymers. Specifically, the successful candidate will work new constitutive theories for thermo-responsive shape memory polymers, enhanced with descriptions of failure and fracture and self-healing features, and on their numerical implementation within a finite element environment. The interested candidate will have the possibility to run specific experiments on 3D printed samples to validate numerical results. This research is in collaboration with Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. A research visit to this institution can be planned during the research contract.

Si segnala un assegno di ricerca di durata annuale, rinnovabile.

Research objectives:
Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) based composites have found numerous multifunctional applications thanks to their capability to serve as reinforcing, lightweighting agents and a material platform for electrostatic discharging, electromagnetic interference shielding, radar absorbing, mechanical/chemical sensing, energy harvesting, flame retardation. The aim of the research project is to develop theoretical models, corroborated by experimental measurements, to optimize the multifunctional role of CNT-based components in the form of beams, plates and shells, for structural applications. This research is in collaboration with Rice University, TX, USA.

Il bando è contenuto nell’allegato:


Il bando è inoltre disponibile al link:

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 15/12/2022.