Call for applications
At least nine PhD Fellowships are available for students interested in pursuing a PhD degree in  Computational Methods and Mathematical Modeling for the Sciences and Finance.  Areas of study include Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Mathematical Models for the Sciences and Finance, Computational Physics/Chemistry/Biology, Operations Research, Computational mechanics and mechanobiology.
A description of the new PhD program can be found at
For instruction on how to apply, please see

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The Department of Applied Physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden is looking for a PhD Student. The project is a collaboration with the Department of Mechanics for developing multi-scale methods to study structured surfaces and heat transfer. The candidate will investigate the stability and dynamics of the three-phase contact line under non-equilibrium conditions using molecular dynamics simulations. The group also hosts the main part of the development team for the popular GROMACS open source molecular simulation package, which will be used in these studies. Deadline: July 8 2019.

More details and how to apply at: